Tuesday, July 15, 2008


i found it is pretty amusing that two well grown adults, standing 6 feet apart from each other, talking cock and being sarcastic to one another just like what two 9 years old kids fighting over their attention in class would do, except now two much older and hairer guys doing it live on tv. the debate was too short honestly for something so amusing like that. kinda rare too.

well, a debate should have a winner and a wiener doesnt it? so who get cook just now? Wheter it is Anal I-Bra-Him (as Benny Sia aka the blood brother of Kenny Sial addresses it) or She-Bra-He aka the Erection Guy, we may never know for sure. This is what we call politics, people swear, people bull crap, people talk cock and people bull craps some more in the name of politics. well bravo to both of them, the Malaysian crappy government and the opposition, because they are doing good....nono..they are doing great jobs as politicians. for the rest of Malaysian like you and me?? i guess we just have to stand the stinky bull craps coming out from their mouths.

got any complaint ka?? its okay...we can DEBATE over this :))

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